
Use for general info and projects that are not events eg. board application period, study surveys etc

New Capstone course beginning 10.1

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We have a new SCM capstone course starting in January called “Capstone: Future-proofing supply chains”. The course run by Prof Katri Kauppi is built around students working on a real case assignment. Reima, Fazer and Meluton are all providing exciting SCM cases to work on!

In case Reima you get to review and optimize a distribution/warehousing network, considering new opportunities for microwarehousing as well as potential new market openings.

In case Fazer you get to work on developing supply chain risk management practices of the company. The case assignment is focused on identification of risk categories to be added for supplier risk review practices and on creating a risk profiling of their supplier base.

In case Meluton you get work on estimating the impacts of fast sales growth on sourcing, warehousing, production and logistics; analysing how can capacity, cost, service and environmental footprint be controlled while aiming to double growth and profitability.

The course has a slightly different class schedule given the real case format (Lectures and workshops in weeks 1 and 2, only groupwork in weeks 3-5 and final presentation to case company on week 6). Contact Katri for more info or see a detailed PDF syllabus and other details here on Mycourses

Register now via Sisu! Season’s greetings!
Katri Kauppi

New Capstone course beginning 10.1 Read More »

Aalto BT welcomes our new Events Coordinator

The Aalto BT board would like to formally welcome our newest board member! Soyoung Kim Juustovaara!!

Soyoung was officially elected to the board during our General Meeting on 03.08.2022 and will be our events responsible moving forward in 2022! Soyoung has a background in event management and will surely do an excellent job in the new position! So, once again, Aalto BT welcomes you, and we all look forward to joining you at the upcoming events this fall!

Aalto BT welcomes our new Events Coordinator Read More »

Aalto ISM ry on nyt Aalto BT ry / Aalto ISM ry is now Aalto BT ry

In English below.

Hei opiskelija/yhteistyötaho/yrityskumppani/alumni!

Aalto Information and Service Management ry (Aalto ISM) on kevätkokouksessaan 6.4. äänestänyt yhdistyksen nimenmuutoksesta ja uusi nimi, Aalto Business Technology ry (Aalto BT), muuttui yhdistyksen viralliseksi nimeksi 19.7. Nimenvaihdoksen myötä myös järjestön visuaalinen ilme muuttuu, mutta toimintamme ei.


Ajatus nimen vaihtamisesta lähti liikkeelle kun Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu ilmoitti uudesta Business Analytics -maisteriohjelmasta, joka sijoitettaisiin Tieto- ja palvelujohtamisen laitoksen alle. Ohjelman sisällön oli määrä olla hyvin lähellä ISM:n ohjelman opintoja, joten ainejärjestö piti loogisena että uudet BA-opiskelijat otettaisiin saman ainejärjestön alle. Koimme kuitenkin että ainejärjestö, joka kantaa vain toisen ohjelman nimeä, ei ole pitkällä tähtäimellä kutsuva uuden ohjelman opiskelijoille. Haluamme, että uuden ohjelman opiskelijat kokevat olevansa tervetulleita yhteisöön ja näin nimeä vaihtamalla huomioimme muutoksen.

Halusimme nimen joka yhtä aikaa kuvaa kahta pääainettamme ja on yksinkertainen, mutta ei kuitenkaan liity suoraan kummankaan koulutusohjelmien nimiin. Tämä siksi, että toivomme uuden nimen vihdoin jäävän säilyväksi nimeksi. Aalto Business Technology ry on myös historiallisesti looginen nimi, sillä olihan ainejärjestön alkuperäinen nimi KY-Piste ry vuosina 2007-2016, joka tuli suoraan silloisesta koulutusohjelman Business Technology -nimestä.


Ainejärjestömme nimi ja brändi muuttuvat, mutta toimintamme ei. Järjestämme edelleen aktiivisesti tapahtumia ja toimintaa ISM:n opiskelijoita ajatellen ja edustamme heidän etuaan akateemisesti. Tästä syksystä 2022 alkaen sama toiminta ulottuu myös uusille BA:n opiskelijoihin uuden koulutusohjelman aloittaessa. Perinteiset tapahtumat kuten Novemberfest ja Career Evening säilyvät edelleen. Ainejärjestön visuaalinen ilme muuttuu hillitymmäksi ja edustaa paremmin opintojen yhteyttä teknologiaan ja dataan.

Toivomme, että niin nimen kuin visuaalisen ilmeen uudistukset ilahduttavat teitä yhtä paljon kuin ne ovat meitä ilahduttaneet niitä suunnitellessa ja toteuttaessa.

Uudistuneet kanavamme: 
BT Chat, BT Jobs ja BT Events Telegramissa

-Aalto BT:n hallitus 2022

Hi student/affiliate/corporate partner/alumnus!

Aalto Information and Service Management ry (Aalto ISM) voted in their last spring meeting 6.4. about changing the association’s name and the new name, Aalto Business Technology ry (Aalto BT), has been approved as the official name on 19.7. Following the name change also the visual look is changing, but our operating goals are not.


The idea for changing the name came up when Aalto University School of Business announced the new Business Analytics -master’s program that would be placed under the Faculty of Information and Service Management. The program was explained to be very similar to ISM studies so the subject club considered it logical that the new BA-students would be joined under the same subject club. However, we thought that a subject club that is named by only the other program is not inviting for the new program’s students in the long term. We want the students of the new program to feel welcome into our community and thus by changing our name we are recognising them.

Our wish was to have a name that simultaneously relates to both of the majors and is simple, but doesn’t directly match the names of either of the programs. This is because we want the new name to finally stick. Aalto Business Technology ry is also a historically logical name as the subject club used to be called KY-Piste ry in the years 2007-2016, which came from the Business Technology -program’s name back then.


Our subject club’s name and brand change, but our operations don’t. We are still actively organising events and activities for ISM students as well as representing their academic interests. Starting this fall 2022, the same goes for the new BA students too as the new program begins. The traditional events such as Novemberfest and Career Evening are still continued. The visual look of the subject clubs becomes more subtle and represents the connection with technology and data better.

We hope that the changes in the name and visual look bring you as much joy as they have us when we’ve been planning and executing them.

Our renewed channels: 
BT Chat, BT Jobs and BT Events on Telegram

-Aalto BT Board of 2022

Aalto ISM ry on nyt Aalto BT ry / Aalto ISM ry is now Aalto BT ry Read More »

Aalto ISM’s Search for Event Coordinator

Do you have a passion for events? Now is the time of your life. ?

This position offers you a unique opportunity to give back to your student community, creaty amazing experiences for your fellow students, meet incredible people, make great memories and work with an enthusiastic team. Aalto ISM is looking for an events coordinator until the end of the year 2022 after the previous event coordinator resigned from their duties.

The event concepts and dates for fall are already set so no need to reinvent the wheel but of course your input and ideas are welcome! Previous experience from organising events or attending ISM events is not required. This is especially great opportunity for a new ISM student or if you’ve been to exchange last spring! And who knows, if you were considering applying to the board for next year, maybe this brings you advantage in the elections.

The rest of the board is here to support you in your duties and help with the organisation so don’t worry about the workload. All other board members are also working besides studies and board work so we understand if sometimes you’re busier and lack time! ?

If you’re interested please apply by 31.7. here. The event coordinator will be elected in a general meeting in the beginning of August. Your role starts right after the general meeting and the first event to organise is in September.

If you are still unsure whether to apply, you can message last year’s EC and current senior advisor Nico in Telegram @nbyman or chairperson Janina @janinapaasila. ?

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