Aalto Business Analytics

Aalto BT x EY Excursion

What: Aalto BT X EY Excursion
Where: Helsinki (Details provided after signup)
When: Tuesday 13.12
Who: All Aalto BT students
DC: Office Casual – neat and comfortable
Why? Because we want to be the best we can be!
Signup: Right here, right now Deadline Friday so sign up ASAP!
TG Event chat: Link via the sign up form

We have noticed the excursion sign-ups have been filling up incredibly fast, so we thought to squeeze one more in for you…

Curious about the world of consulting? Want some tips on landing a job at one of the world’s largest consulting companies? Or perhaps you are just hoping to have some fun and a few free snacks It’s not so serious, come have fun.

Either way, get on the inside track as EY and Aalto BT will be taking you to the final excursion of the year to EY in Helsinki!! It’s an excellent opportunity to head into the winter break with some fresh knowledge and expert advice on finding that job of 2023!

What to expect?
The event will be relaxed and fun with food and drinks provided. There will be time to talk with your friends, EY representatives, and get the inside track on how to apply as well the chance to work on your CV!


17.00-17.30 – Start of the event, mingling & food
17.30-19.00 – Presentation : introduction to the company; CV / Cover letter tips & tricks; Q&A
19.00-20.00 – CV / Cover letter Clinique
20.00 – End of the event

Anything else? Sign-up by 9th of December so we can arrange dietary preferences. We have space for 30-40 participants. Join the Telegram in the sign-up form for links to upcoming positions, further info on the event, and contact info of representatives from the event. (No meme competitions this time).
Psst…Bring your laptop and CV so you can edit during the event!

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IBM Consulting – Associates Program 2023 in Finland

IBM is hiring!

Are you about to graduate or did you graduate in the past year? Are you a forward-thinker and eager to learn? At IBM Consulting we are now looking for superstars to work on multiple exciting projects, in a friendly and energetic working environment. If that is you, join us as an Associate Consultant!

IBM Consulting’s Associate Program is IBM’s world-class 2-year development program for early professionals. As an Associate you will jump-start your consulting career by combining client project work across different industries and service areas. Your projects will be combined with focused training and coaching by our network of experts and mentors. All those elements will help you develop relevant skills and gain meaningful experience, while you solve our clients’ most challenging problems with future-shaping solutions!

Find other open positions from the IBM Careers page: https://www.ibm.com/fi-en/employment/

IBM Consulting – Associates Program 2023 in Finland Read More »

After Exams x AE x Aalto BT

HOX HOX! Only 15 tickets remaining!

What: FROZEN After Exams with Aalto Economics and Aalto BT + Karaoke
When: Friday, 9.12, 1800 onwards
Where: Metallimiehenkuja 6 (MMK 6)
Who: All Aalto students are welcome, AE, BT, and Mursus especially!
DC: Frozen themed – Disney or wintery!
Price: 3 bucks
Tickets: Via Kide sales start at Monday 1200 21.11
Included: Snacks, pizza, and a couple drinks. BYO if you are extra thirsty! Feel free to use it as a Pre-game for Puurojuhla!
Event Chat: https://t.me/AfterExams
Join the event chat for sharing of event photos and updates about the event! (No meme competitions this time)



Brr it’s getting chilly, are you feeling FROZEN! A sign of winter, to be sure, but more importantly, signs that the exams are nearly over and a Disney style Christmas here in Finland will soon be upon us! It’s well deserved, and what a semester it has been! Full of hard work, good marks, and of course, some grade “A” shenanigans.

Studious folks you are, indubitably, however, now it’s time to put down your books, take that pencil from behind your ear and “let it goooo”


at the final After Exams for the year! This time, Aalto Economics, Aalto BT and the Mursus of 2023 are joining forces and invite you all to attend our Frozen-themed event! So, come one, come all, let your hair down, and let our steaming hot party melt your Frozen hearts! AllAalto students of 2023 are welcome to come get down and have a good time, freshman are highly encouraged, and you may bring a friend along if you like! We will have some nice prizes for the best costumes of the night, karaoke, and some other inventive activities to keep you having a good time, all night long.

We will also provide some pizza, snacks, and a couple drinks, but BYO if you’re extra thirsty!

See you there!

After Exams x AE x Aalto BT Read More »

Nokia Technologies – Analyst internship

Working time: Part time, university studies alongside as default
Duration: 12 months, shorter terms can be discussed
Location: Espoo Karaportti, flexible working from home
Start: January – February 2023

Nokia Technologies Strategy & Market Intelligence teams are looking for analyst trainees! Work
tasks and learning opportunities revolve around market analysis, company research and business
development in the realm of technology – be it consumer devices, enterprise equipment, services,
or anything in between!

You will be supporting the business development, strategy, and licensing projects of cutting edge
technology patents in a variety of industries by conducting analyses and creating presentations. In
addition to business exposure, you might be also working in collaboration with researchers in e.g.
multimedia or wireless technology development, so outlook to various parties and functions of a
tech company is high. This is a true vantage point to business critical decision making in a large
stock-listed company as well as understanding several global markets.

The work includes both quantitative analyses and market modelling, as well as crafting
communication materials for strategic decisions and top management. Solid skills in Excel and
PowerPoint are essential.

To apply, send your application letter and CV vie email to Julius Rissanen:
julius.rissanen@nokia.com with the subject: Analyst internship 2023.

Questions related to the position? Feel free to contact Julius.

For general information about Nokia Technologies, check out the page on licensing here!

Nokia Technologies – Analyst internship Read More »

Novemberfest Event!

? Ein Prosit, ein Prosit 
Der Gemütlichkeit Ein Prosit, 
ein Prosit Der Gemütlichkeit
Eins, zwei, drei! G’suffa! ?

? Novemberfest is back ??

How does great beer, food and company sound like? How about getting to know ISM’s partner companies and playing fun games?

This year Novemberfest is held in Restaurant Zinnkeller where a delicious German style dinner will be served. The evening is filled with mingling with other Aalto BT people, speeches from our corporate partners, entertaining games and of course cherishing your taste buds. This legendary event is one you don’t want to miss.

Those who sign up will be sent a confirmation of participation before the event. The number of spots is limited to 60 and last year there was 120 sign-ups. Signing up does not automatically guarantee a spot in the event, though those in the queue will be informed they are in the queue.

Please note that the sign up is binding and if you do not cancel, you will be asked to pay. If you need to cancel your participation, please do it 24 hours before the beginning of the event by sending an email to Board@aaltobt.fi. If you have any questions, or wish to give your position to someone in the queue, you may email us, or contact (removed) on Telegram.

Payment instructions will be sent later with the participation confirmation.

Novemberfest Event! Read More »

Case cracking & dinner: BCG event for women

Case cracking & dinner: BCG event for women
September 14, 2022

Location: BCG Helsinki Office / Mat Distrikt

Interested in management consulting as a career option? Wondering how to succeed in our interview process? Thinking how to crack the case and impress your interviewer? Join us on September 14 for a case cracking & dinner with BCG in Finland!

We’ll provide you with information about a possible career path in consulting, share helpful tips and tricks about the case interviews as well as examples of what kind of tasks our Visiting Associates usually do during their internship. Afterwards we will enjoy a dinner at Mat Distrikt where you can ask any remaining questions and enjoy delicious food and drinks.

No prior experience with case solving/interviews is required.

Please apply with your CV and unofficial university transcripts (optional) through this link by Monday, September 5. The event is targeted towards University students who identify as women from all fields of study, preferably in their 2rd year of studies and up. We will confirm your attendance by Tuesday, September 6.

If you have any questions about the event, don’t hesitate to contact Katja Leppänen at Leppanen.Katja@bcg.com

Looking forward to meeting you,

BCG in Finland

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Lujatalo, Intern, Business Intelligence (and Analytics)

Haemme sinua,


Rakentamisen johtaminen on nykyään tiedolla johtamista entisen nokkavainun sijaan. Tämä edellyttää eri järjestelmistä kerätyn datan yhdistämistä, analysointia ja visualisointia. Tiedolla johtamisen työkaluna käytämme PowerBI:tä, joka luo meille alustan koko yrityksen johtamiselle projektien tilannekuvasta strategian tavoitteiden saavuttamisen seurantaan.

Lujatalo kuuluu Luja-yhtiöihin, joka on yksi Suomen suurimmista rakennusalan konserneista. Yritys toimii valtakunnallisesti lähes 850 ammattilaisen voimin. Lujatalo on asunto- ja toimitilarakentaja, jolla on myös kattavat palvelut hanke- ja kiinteistökehittämisen osalta sekä vahva kokemus elinkaarihankkeista. Yritys on myös edelläkävijä digitaalisen rakentamisen menetelmien hyödyntämisessä.

Etsimme nyt harjoittelijaa tiedolla johtamisen tiimiin, jossa yhdistyvät ICT ja liiketoiminnan kehitys. Tiimimme tehtävänä on tuoda data muista järjestelmistä PowerBI:hin saataville, tunnistaa liiketoiminnan ja johdon BI-tarpeita sekä vastata raporttien tai näkymien luomisesta ja ylläpidosta. Tiimimme on todellinen näköalapaikka yrityksen johtamiseen, strategian jalkauttamiseen ja operatiiviseen tekemiseen.

Työssäsi pääset osallistumaan PowerBI-raportoinnin kehittämiseen ja ylläpitoon sekä liiketoimintatiedon analysointiin. Tehtävässä tarvitset hyvää Excel-osaamista. Katsomme eduksi myös business intelligence –työkalujen perusosaamisen sekä ymmärryksen tietovarastoinnista ja data-arkkitehtuurista. Työtehtävään on mahdollista yhdistää opinnäytetyö.

Tehtävässä menestyt, jos olet oppimishaluinen, omaat päämäärätietoisen työskentelytavan ja uskallat ennen kaikkea olla oma itsesi. Tehtävänkuvaasi voidaan räätälöidä vahvuuksiesi ympärille ja työnteon paikka sopia tarpeidesi mukaan – pääkonttorimme sijaitsee Espoon Leppävaarassa. Toivomme sinulta vähintään 1-2 päivän työpanosta viikossa.

Lujatalossa uskomme osallistavaan johtamiseen ja ihmisiin. Tarjoamme sinulle kehittymistäsi tukevan toimintaympäristön sekä vahvan yhdessä tekemisen meiningin.

Hae tehtävää viimeistään keskiviikkona 31.8.2022 käyttämämme TalentAdore rekrytointijärjestelmän kautta
Apply Here!

Kiinnostuitko tarjoamastamme mahdollisuudesta, mutta kaipaat vielä lisätietoja? 
Kysymyksiisi vastaa kehitysjohtaja Tuija Schmidt, puh. 044 585 2541 / tuija.schmidt@luja.fi

Lujatalo, Intern, Business Intelligence (and Analytics) Read More »