Aalto University Tuotantotalous kurssi position
Dear Aalto ISM students!
This is directed to those who have completed the Tuotantotalous course with Max Finne and are looking for a part-time role within Aalto University!
The Tuotantotalous course is looking to overhaul the current Pearson education system and transition to Mycourses. As such, Aalto is searching for a student who has experience with both Pearson and Mycourses systems to work on a project to perform the migration operation.
The position would be a part-time flexible position beginning either during the summer or the fall and would most suit a candidate looking to work alongside their studies.
The ideal student will possess these qualities:
A strong knowledge of Mycourses and how to use it effectively
Strong familiarity with the Pearson tools
Ability to work independently and alongside faculty to complete the project
Finnish Language Fluency
You will be welcomed into a relaxed and comfortable workplace within the Aalto community where you can use your knowledge of studies to make a lasting impact on the way teaching is delivered to your peers and future tuotantotalous students. You will also earn a salary and gain valuable experience in project work.
If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, gather the following documents together and email them to Max.Finne@aalto.fi
1. Your CV
2. Which year you completed the tuotantotalous course
3. A single A4 page or less outlining when you would be able to begin the project, how it will fit into your current schedule, and what your motivation for the project is.
If you have any questions about applying, please send an email to Max.Finne@aalto.fi
Aalto University Tuotantotalous kurssi position Read More »