WHAT: Aalto BT ry’s Autumn Meeting and Board Election
WHEN: 15.11.2022 at 17:30 (meeting starts at 18:00)
WHERE: Vaasankadun sauna and cabinet (the highest floor), Vaasankatu 10, 00500 Helsinki
WHO: All Aalto BT ry members
WHY: Affect your subject club’s future and your own student life!
Sign up to attend here
Apply for the board here
- Opening the meeting
- 1.1. Recording the present
- Electing the chair of the meeting
- Electing the secretary of the meeting
- Choosing the examiners of the minutes
- Choosing the counters of the votes
- Recording the lawfulness and quorum of the meeting
- Confirming the agenda
- Electing the chair of the board and the members of the board of 2023
- Electing the auditors for 2022
- Other emerging issues
- Closing the meeting
In Espoo, 28.10.2022
Janina Paasila, Chair of Aalto BT ry