ISM Wellbeing survey 2022

We have already spent 2 years in the pandemic situation that has affected studying and student life significantly. Last year Aalto ISM conducted a wellbeing survey for the first time and results showed that our students were facing challenges and there were serious issues with adopting the online study practices. Now we want to hear from you again on how you’re doing to see if the situation has changed from last year.
We appreciate all the answers, and please notice that none of the questions are mandatory. Feel free to share any of your feelings and thoughts about the ongoing situation. We are actively trying to improve the student life of our ISM students with e.g. events, communication channels and advocacy work, and we want to collect information to answer to your needs better. Therefore, we may share anonymized data with our Information and Service Management faculty so that we can make a change in course practicalities also.

Here is the link to the Wellbeing Survey open between 16.3 and 29.3 2022. The results of the survey will be published in April.