New Capstone course beginning 10.1
We have a new SCM capstone course starting in January called “Capstone: Future-proofing supply chains”. The course run by Prof Katri Kauppi is built around students working on a real case assignment. Reima, Fazer and Meluton are all providing exciting SCM cases to work on!
In case Reima you get to review and optimize a distribution/warehousing network, considering new opportunities for microwarehousing as well as potential new market openings.
In case Fazer you get to work on developing supply chain risk management practices of the company. The case assignment is focused on identification of risk categories to be added for supplier risk review practices and on creating a risk profiling of their supplier base.
In case Meluton you get work on estimating the impacts of fast sales growth on sourcing, warehousing, production and logistics; analysing how can capacity, cost, service and environmental footprint be controlled while aiming to double growth and profitability.
The course has a slightly different class schedule given the real case format (Lectures and workshops in weeks 1 and 2, only groupwork in weeks 3-5 and final presentation to case company on week 6). Contact Katri for more info or see a detailed PDF syllabus and other details here on Mycourses
Register now via Sisu! Season’s greetings!
Katri Kauppi
New Capstone course beginning 10.1 Read More »