General Meeting Invitation

Used only for general meeting invitations, MUST be sent as a separate email via MailPoet (doesn’t go to newsletter).

Autumn Meeting & Board Election

Dear Aalto BT ry member,

The Board of Aalto BT is happy to invite you to our autumn General Assembly (Autumn Meeting). The General Assembly has the highest decision-making power in our association and the Autumn Meeting elects the board for the year 2025. All members of Aalto BT have the right to vote and voice their opinions on the subject club’s most important matters.

The General Assembly will take place in T003, which is located at the School of Business, in Ekonominaukio 1.

The detailed agenda can be found below. The meeting will be held in English. For the most part, the Autumn Meeting will focus on choosing the next chair and board, so if you are interested in applying, you can apply here and find more information on the roles here.

Come, let your voice be heard!

Best regards,
Topias Lahikainen, Chairperson
Aalto BT Board 2024

Aalto Business Technology ry, Autumn Meeting
Time: Monday 18.11.2023 at 18.00
Place: T003, Ekonominaukio 1

Apply here to be a part of next year’s board!


  1. Opening the meeting
    1.1 Recording the present
  2. Electing the chair of the meeting
  3. Electing the secretary of the meeting
  4. Choosing the examiners of the minutes
  5. Choosing the counters of the votes
  6. Recording the lawfulness and quorum of the meeting
  7. Confirming the agenda
  8. Electing the chairperson, the vice chair, the treasurer, and the other members of the board of 2025
  9. Electing the auditors for 2024
  10. Other emerging issues
  11. Closing the meeting

Autumn Meeting & Board Election Read More »

Aalto Business Technology ry, Autumn Meeting

WHAT: Aalto BT ry’s Autumn Meeting and Board Election
WHEN: 15.11.2022 at 17:30 (meeting starts at 18:00)
WHERE: Vaasankadun sauna and cabinet (the highest floor), Vaasankatu 10, 00500 Helsinki
WHO: All Aalto BT ry members
WHY: Affect your subject club’s future and your own student life!
Sign up to attend here
Apply for the board here


  1. Opening the meeting
    1. 1.1. Recording the present 
  2. Electing the chair of the meeting
  3. Electing the secretary of the meeting
  4. Choosing the examiners of the minutes
  5. Choosing the counters of the votes
  6. Recording the lawfulness and quorum of the meeting
  7. Confirming the agenda
  8. Electing the chair of the board and the members of the board of 2023
  9. Electing the auditors for 2022
  10. Other emerging issues
  11. Closing the meeting

In Espoo, 28.10.2022

Janina Paasila, Chair of Aalto BT ry

Aalto Business Technology ry, Autumn Meeting Read More »

Additional General Meeting Invitation

Additional General Meeting 3.8.2022 18:00-18:20 @ Zoom

Dear Aalto BT ry member,

The Board of Aalto BT is happy to invite you all to our Additional General Meeting. The general assembly has the highest decision-making power in our association. All members of Aalto BT have the right to vote and voice your opinions on the club’s most important matters. 

The General Assembly will take place on Zoom. Please find the detailed agenda attached here. The meeting will be held in English.

In brief, we will officially announce the resignation of the previous Event Coordinator and elect a new Events Coordinator for the current board of 2022.

There is still time until 31.7. to apply for Event Coordinator position or you can also announce your interest in the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting.

Come, let your voice be heard and affect your subject club’s future!

Best regards,
Aalto BT ry

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