
Monday Mingle with EY-Parthenon

Interested in pursuing a career in strategy consulting and M&A advisory?

Join us for Monday Mingle to:
– Learn more about EY-Parthenon
– Participate in a painting workshop with Paints & Friends
– Play board games
– Dine and enjoy cocktails, and other refreshments

Date: Monday 9th of September
Time: 17:30 pm onwards
Place: EY office, Korkeavuorenkatu 32-34

EY-Parthenon team invites smart, nice, and driven students to our casual Paint & Cocktails -event and getting to know more about EY-Parthenon
and career opportunities in strategy consulting. In the event, you’ll meet some of our strategy consultants with whom you can have an open
discussion regarding a consultant’s work and the most memorable project experiences. You’ll have a great opportunity to start building your
professional network.

This event is also a great opportunity for you to learn more about our trainee application process and get tips from our recent hires on applying at
EY-Parthenon. The application period for this year’s Consultant Trainee positions is open from 26th of August until the 15th of September 2024.

Interested in joining the event? Number of participants is limited and thus we kindly ask you to apply by submitting your contact information and
a brief description of your motivation through this link by 2nd of September.

EY-Parthenon team will confirm participation and provide further details on practicalities closer to the event date. In case you have any questions
regarding the event, feel free to contact anna.staff@parthenon.com.

We are eagerly looking forward to meeting you!

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Bain excursion – From analysis to impact

Discover consulting with Bain

Are you curious about how your unique skills can shine in management consulting? We invite Information and Service Management, and Business Analytics students at Aalto University to join us for an exclusive evening to discover how you can drive meaningful change for leading companies across the Nordics.

We’ll kick off by introducing you to Bain and showcasing the impact we make, helping Nordic companies tackle their toughest challenges. Through real-life case studies, we’ll highlight how your skills in analysis, data, programming, and teamwork are exactly what we need.

But this event is more than just a learning opportunity; it’s a chance to connect. Hear personal stories from our consultants who started in Aalto just like you, and ask all your burning questions about life as a Bain consultant.

Are you ready for an evening filled with insights and meaningful connections? Apply here by August 28 with a short text explaining your motivation to join. Feel free to include your CV. If you have any questions, reach out to Veera Sysinoro at helsinki.recruiting@Bain.com

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Lujatalo, Intern, Business Intelligence (and Analytics)

Haemme sinua,


Rakentamisen johtaminen on nykyään tiedolla johtamista entisen nokkavainun sijaan. Tämä edellyttää eri järjestelmistä kerätyn datan yhdistämistä, analysointia ja visualisointia. Tiedolla johtamisen työkaluna käytämme PowerBI:tä, joka luo meille alustan koko yrityksen johtamiselle projektien tilannekuvasta strategian tavoitteiden saavuttamisen seurantaan.

Lujatalo kuuluu Luja-yhtiöihin, joka on yksi Suomen suurimmista rakennusalan konserneista. Yritys toimii valtakunnallisesti lähes 850 ammattilaisen voimin. Lujatalo on asunto- ja toimitilarakentaja, jolla on myös kattavat palvelut hanke- ja kiinteistökehittämisen osalta sekä vahva kokemus elinkaarihankkeista. Yritys on myös edelläkävijä digitaalisen rakentamisen menetelmien hyödyntämisessä.

Etsimme nyt harjoittelijaa tiedolla johtamisen tiimiin, jossa yhdistyvät ICT ja liiketoiminnan kehitys. Tiimimme tehtävänä on tuoda data muista järjestelmistä PowerBI:hin saataville, tunnistaa liiketoiminnan ja johdon BI-tarpeita sekä vastata raporttien tai näkymien luomisesta ja ylläpidosta. Tiimimme on todellinen näköalapaikka yrityksen johtamiseen, strategian jalkauttamiseen ja operatiiviseen tekemiseen.

Työssäsi pääset osallistumaan PowerBI-raportoinnin kehittämiseen ja ylläpitoon sekä liiketoimintatiedon analysointiin. Tehtävässä tarvitset hyvää Excel-osaamista. Katsomme eduksi myös business intelligence –työkalujen perusosaamisen sekä ymmärryksen tietovarastoinnista ja data-arkkitehtuurista. Työtehtävään on mahdollista yhdistää opinnäytetyö.

Tehtävässä menestyt, jos olet oppimishaluinen, omaat päämäärätietoisen työskentelytavan ja uskallat ennen kaikkea olla oma itsesi. Tehtävänkuvaasi voidaan räätälöidä vahvuuksiesi ympärille ja työnteon paikka sopia tarpeidesi mukaan – pääkonttorimme sijaitsee Espoon Leppävaarassa. Toivomme sinulta vähintään 1-2 päivän työpanosta viikossa.

Lujatalossa uskomme osallistavaan johtamiseen ja ihmisiin. Tarjoamme sinulle kehittymistäsi tukevan toimintaympäristön sekä vahvan yhdessä tekemisen meiningin.

Hae tehtävää viimeistään keskiviikkona 31.8.2022 käyttämämme TalentAdore rekrytointijärjestelmän kautta
Apply Here!

Kiinnostuitko tarjoamastamme mahdollisuudesta, mutta kaipaat vielä lisätietoja?
Kysymyksiisi vastaa kehitysjohtaja Tuija Schmidt, puh. 044 585 2541 / tuija.schmidt@luja.fi

Lujatalo, Intern, Business Intelligence (and Analytics) Read More »

Evening with BCG Consultants

Date: September 15th, 2022
Time: 1800 – 2200
Location: Restaurant Southpark     

Dear Aalto Business School student,

We’d love to invite you to a casual get-together with us at Southpark Restaurant on September 15th at 18:00-22:00!

During the evening we will tell you what management consulting really is and answer to all your questions. We will share everything you need to know about the internship, applying, and the interview process during the info session. You will get all your questions answered and meet our consultants, who will share their first hand tips and experiences to ace the process. After the evening, you will have all the information needed regarding the internship.

There will be food and drinks and you’ll have a chance to have casual chats with BCG Aalto Biz alumni during the evening.

Please apply with your CV and unofficial university transcripts (optional) through this link by Tuesday, September 6th. The event is targeted towards students, preferably in their 2nd year of studies and up. We will confirm your attendance by Wednesday September 7th.

If you have any questions about the event, don’t hesitate to contact Katja Leppänen at Leppanen.Katja@bcg.com.

Looking forward to meeting you,

BCG in Finland

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Bain Beyond Business 2022

On August 18-20, we’ll gather a group of ingenious students from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for an unforgettable weekend of impactful problem solving, meaningful relationship building and a taste of Bain.

Date: August 18-20, 2022

Location: Hornbækhus, Denmark

Calling all Nordic students in their 3rd-5th year with a passion for biodiversity and problem solving – you don’t want to miss this opportunity. For the first ever Bain Beyond Business weekend, we’ll be working on a real-life case with none other than Arla Foods, helping them to come up with an ambitious biodiversity strategy. This will not only develop your toolbox but also give you a real taste of what it’s like to solve complex problems for industry leaders. Throughout the weekend you’ll receive sparring, feedback and guidance from Bain consultants and our expert partner, WWF. If you’re eager to help Arla take on the biodiversity crisis, make sure to apply for this amazing opportunity.

For more information about the event and how to apply, submit your registration here by May 22 with your CV, study transcripts and short motivational letter. All costs will be covered by Bain.

Any questions? Please reach out to us at Nordic.Recruiting@Bain.com.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes,

Bain & Company

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Student and Internship Opportunities at Accenture

Are you a student or soon-to-be graduate ready to find their path? How does an interesting and dynamic role in strategy, technology, security or design sound to you? Apply for an internship with us and you’ll find out!

Your career is about what you want to be and who you want to be. It’s about bringing your skills, your curiosity and your best true self to your work. Here, you’ll match your ingenuity with the latest technology to make incredible things.
Together, let’s create positive, long-lasting value.

The application period for autumn internships is open until 22.5! For more information on the roles and how to apply visit the Applications Portal at Accenture!

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Celebration Of Diversity Event with BCG

Join our “Celebration of Diversity” event and panel discussion for university students at Epicenter on June 2 from 18.00-21.00!

At Boston Consulting Group (BCG), we celebrate passionate, open-minded people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, abilities, experiences, and beyond – simply because we love Diversity and believe in its power!

In addition to BCG, you will hear and meet organization representatives from Aalto University, Inklusiiv, and KONE. During the evening, we will host an authentic panel discussion around DE&I topics from different perspectives and share insights on what that work incorporates and where organizations currently are standing on their DE&I journey.

Moreover, the discussion will cover what needs to be done to advance the progress of diverse teams, equitable opportunities, and inclusive cultures even further and why it is such a priority for Finnish organizations. 

We know Diversity boosts performance, and we actively address DE&I internally, with our clients, and as part of society. Together we challenge established approaches and unlock solutions that enable organizations to thrive.

After the presentations and panel discussion, you’ll have a chance to network and chat with fellow students and organization representatives over food and drinks.

We hope this event serves as a platform for fruitful conversations, colorful connections, and a fantastic opportunity to kick off Pride Month June!

Learn more and register through this link by May 19. 

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The Art of Consulting – Female Event, Helsinki

When: Thursday, May 19, 2022, 17:30 onwards.
Where: Start at Hotel Katajanokka followed by dinner in Restaurant Pjazza.
Who: 1st-5th year female students and young working professionals.
Sign up: Latest 11:59, May 8th.

Being a good management consultant requires a certain amount of creativity. Why? Because you need to solve complex problems and turn ideas into impactful solutions. On May 19, we invite female students and young professionals to join us for a fun, informal evening where we’ll take a creative approach to show you what Bain is all about.

We’ll start the evening at Hotel Katajanokka where we’ll get to know each other while we let our creativity unfold. When you’ve added the finishing touches to your masterpiece, we’ll head over for a delicious dinner at Pjazza, an introduction to Bain and lots of informal conversations about career, management consulting and all that in between. By the end of the evening, we hope you will have the full picture of what a career with us could look like. 

Want to boost your creativity? Apply here no later than May 8 with your CV. This event targets students and young professionals. For students travelling from outside the capital region, Bain will cover the cost of travel and potential accommodation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at helsinki.recruiting@bain.com. 

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Columbia Road Graduate Program

Hi there you recent or soon-to-be graduate! Thinking about what steps to take next in your career? Come and join Columbia Road to build seamless and commercially effective customer journeys that create impact!

We’re looking for new

Software developers
Digital marketers

to join the Roadie team in either Helsinki or our brand new office in Tampere and read more about the positions, how to apply, and what it’s like to work in the Futurice Family head to Columbia Road!

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